Strategic brand communications is just that: talking about what you do

Your organization is defined by the elements of your brand: your mission statement, your vision, your values, your goals — all the things that make you unique and important. Strategic brand communications is about putting all that out into the world in ways that help grow your audiences, strengthen your brand, and let everyone know who you are, why you exist, why that's important, and why they should care. It helps you realize the potential and ideals your brand represents.

Aligning all your communications efforts — campaigns, channels, strategies, processes, and structure — with the priorities and aspirations of your brand will make your messages more effective, your brand more powerful, and your outcomes more impactful. In the end, your brand will blossom.

I'm here to help you with that.



A strong, meaningful, and authentic brand is your organization’s declaration of what you stand for, the impact you hope to have, and how you will manifest that to the world. A complete, end-to-end brand definition starts with concise, crafted statements on your mission, vision, values, and goals, then describes the creative elements — logos, colors, fonts, voices, channels, strategies, and processes — that will convey those messages to your audiences. If you haven't developed a brand, I will help you create one. If you have one that is "generally understood" but not documented and adopted, I will help you formalize it. If you have one you’re happy with, I will help ensure you implement it to its greatest effect.



A strong brand will not matter without an equally strong strategy for sharing it. Effective brand communications use the creative elements of your brand to reach, grow, and engage audiences that will do something in service of the ideological aspects of your brand. As keepers and executors of the brand, the work of your communications team must be driven by these ideals. Do you check with your brand documentation to define priorities, actions, and successes? Do your efforts consistently encourage your audiences to think, learn, feel, and/or act in support of your brand's mission and goals? I will help you build a strategy that connects (or reconnects) your communications efforts with what your organization hopes to be and accomplish in the world.



Armed with a strong, well-defined understanding of your brand and a supporting comms strategy, we will develop channels, systems, processes, tools, and structures to support your brand communications and make them consistent, efficient, and, most importantly, effective. With decades of experience spanning the marketing and communications spectrum, I will help you make informed decisions on everything from content strategy and technology to tools and processes — and backfill roles wherever necessary. Most importantly, we will develop a practical, comprehensive solution that will work for your team and your entire organization.






(And father, son, kayaker, fisherman, soccer coach, and avid breather.)

My name is Rob Clockedile. I’ve been helping organizations realize their brands’ missions, visions, values, and goals since I opened my first digital communications firm more than 30 years ago. I spent several high-octane years in Greater Boston helping publishers and technology companies incorporate digital opportunities into their existing brand strategies, and helping fledgling startups define themselves as they looked for their niche in the marketplace. As the dot-com bubble burst, I moved back to Maine and for 13 years worked at Colby College, one of the top liberal arts colleges in the world, leading their digital communications strategies and helping them reshape their brand through one of the greatest periods of growth and some of the most significant milestones in their 200-plus-year history.

From the Internet’s early days of brochureware, frames, and browser wars, through "Web 2.0" and the advent of blogging, and podcasting, to the preeminence of web video, social media, and more, I have been helping businesses and organizations make sense of it all. Now, I want to leverage those decades of experience, knowledge, skills, and creativity to make your brand the best it can be.